当店は落ち着いた雰囲気を醸し出すバーです。大切な人との語らいや、ひとり静かにグラスを傾けて旅の疲れを癒すひととき。極上の銘酒に満たされた大人の夜をお愉しみにいただけます。 Fine quality relaxation time for you. Our bar has a genuine relaxing atmosphere. Whether you having a conversation with loved ones, or having a moment to relieve the weariness of the travel by sipping your drink alone. You are able to experience a satisfied sophisticated time with splendid high quality drinks.
落ち着く雰囲気をお愉しみ頂けます。その日のご気分にあったドリンクをお頼みください。バーテンダーがあなたに合ったお酒をお選びいたします。メニュー選びに気をつかうことなく、大切な方との素敵なお時間をお愉しみください。 Refreshing high quality drinks is our commitment to you. You are able to experience a relaxing atmosphere. Please order a drink that suits your mood for the day. Our bartender will serve you drinks that match your desire. Just have a splendid time with loved ones without interruption of taking too much time to pick what you want from the menu.